• Help support Peter Sinclair's trip to videograph Mauri Pelto's work on glaciers

    Updated: 2012-06-29 04:45:00
    : : Climate Change : The Next Generation Men occasionally stumble over the truth , but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened . Winston Churchill HIT THE PAGE DOWN KEY TO SEE THE POSTS Now at 6,000+ articles . Use upper left search field authors and keywords Blog Archive 2012 599 June 76 Help support Peter Sinclair's trip to videograph M . wunderground : Record breaking temps in the West Heat Waves and Climate Change . A Science Update fr . Jason Box : Greenland ice sheet reflectivity at re . Rinehart sends ultimatum to Fairfax board , demands . George Monbiot : How Sustainability” Became Sust . Bob Cringley : The next Japanese nuclear accident TEPCO to speed up removal of spent fuel rods at Fu . NSIDC Arctic Sea Ice Report , June 19, 2012 : Arcti .

  • wunderground: Record breaking temps in the West

    Updated: 2012-06-28 07:46:00
    : : : Climate Change : The Next Generation Men occasionally stumble over the truth , but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened . Winston Churchill HIT THE PAGE DOWN KEY TO SEE THE POSTS Now at 6,000+ articles . Use upper left search field authors and keywords Blog Archive 2012 599 June 76 Help support Peter Sinclair's trip to videograph M . wunderground : Record breaking temps in the West Heat Waves and Climate Change . A Science Update fr . Jason Box : Greenland ice sheet reflectivity at re . Rinehart sends ultimatum to Fairfax board , demands . George Monbiot : How Sustainability” Became Sust . Bob Cringley : The next Japanese nuclear accident TEPCO to speed up removal of spent fuel rods at Fu . NSIDC Arctic Sea Ice Report , June 19, 2012 : Arcti .

  • Heat Waves and Climate Change. A Science Update from Climate Communication – June 28, 2012. Expert Reviewers: Kevin Trenberth and Jerry Meehl (NCAR), Jeff Masters (Weather Underground), and Richard Somerville (Scripps Inst. of Oceanography)

    Updated: 2012-06-28 07:27:00
    : : . : . Climate Change : The Next Generation Men occasionally stumble over the truth , but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened . Winston Churchill HIT THE PAGE DOWN KEY TO SEE THE POSTS Now at 6,000+ articles . Use upper left search field authors and keywords Blog Archive 2012 599 June 76 Help support Peter Sinclair's trip to videograph M . wunderground : Record breaking temps in the West Heat Waves and Climate Change . A Science Update fr . Jason Box : Greenland ice sheet reflectivity at re . Rinehart sends ultimatum to Fairfax board , demands . George Monbiot : How Sustainability” Became Sust . Bob Cringley : The next Japanese nuclear accident TEPCO to speed up removal of spent fuel rods at Fu . NSIDC Arctic Sea Ice Report , June 19, 2012 : Arcti .

  • Jason Box: Greenland ice sheet reflectivity at record low, particularly at high elevations

    Updated: 2012-06-26 04:44:00
    : : : , Climate Change : The Next Generation Men occasionally stumble over the truth , but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened . Winston Churchill HIT THE PAGE DOWN KEY TO SEE THE POSTS Now at 6,000+ articles . Use upper left search field authors and keywords Blog Archive 2012 599 June 76 Help support Peter Sinclair's trip to videograph M . wunderground : Record breaking temps in the West Heat Waves and Climate Change . A Science Update fr . Jason Box : Greenland ice sheet reflectivity at re . Rinehart sends ultimatum to Fairfax board , demands . George Monbiot : How Sustainability” Became Sust . Bob Cringley : The next Japanese nuclear accident TEPCO to speed up removal of spent fuel rods at Fu . NSIDC Arctic Sea Ice Report , June 19, 2012 : Arcti .

  • Rinehart sends ultimatum to Fairfax board, demands board control, right to hire and fire. Threat to democracy in Australia

    Updated: 2012-06-25 23:29:00
    : : , , . Climate Change : The Next Generation Men occasionally stumble over the truth , but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened . Winston Churchill HIT THE PAGE DOWN KEY TO SEE THE POSTS Now at 6,000+ articles . Use upper left search field authors and keywords Blog Archive 2012 599 June 76 Help support Peter Sinclair's trip to videograph M . wunderground : Record breaking temps in the West Heat Waves and Climate Change . A Science Update fr . Jason Box : Greenland ice sheet reflectivity at re . Rinehart sends ultimatum to Fairfax board , demands . George Monbiot : How Sustainability” Became Sust . Bob Cringley : The next Japanese nuclear accident TEPCO to speed up removal of spent fuel rods at Fu . NSIDC Arctic Sea Ice Report , June 19, 2012 : Arcti .

  • George Monbiot: How “Sustainability” Became “Sustained Growth”

    Updated: 2012-06-24 18:44:00
    : : : Climate Change : The Next Generation Men occasionally stumble over the truth , but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened . Winston Churchill HIT THE PAGE DOWN KEY TO SEE THE POSTS Now at 6,000+ articles . Use upper left search field authors and keywords Blog Archive 2012 599 June 76 Help support Peter Sinclair's trip to videograph M . wunderground : Record breaking temps in the West Heat Waves and Climate Change . A Science Update fr . Jason Box : Greenland ice sheet reflectivity at re . Rinehart sends ultimatum to Fairfax board , demands . George Monbiot : How Sustainability” Became Sust . Bob Cringley : The next Japanese nuclear accident TEPCO to speed up removal of spent fuel rods at Fu . NSIDC Arctic Sea Ice Report , June 19, 2012 : Arcti .

  • Bob Cringley: The next Japanese nuclear accident (it’s inevitable) will be even worse

    Updated: 2012-06-23 06:20:00
    : : : Climate Change : The Next Generation Men occasionally stumble over the truth , but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened . Winston Churchill HIT THE PAGE DOWN KEY TO SEE THE POSTS Now at 6,000+ articles . Use upper left search field authors and keywords Blog Archive 2012 599 June 76 Help support Peter Sinclair's trip to videograph M . wunderground : Record breaking temps in the West Heat Waves and Climate Change . A Science Update fr . Jason Box : Greenland ice sheet reflectivity at re . Rinehart sends ultimatum to Fairfax board , demands . George Monbiot : How Sustainability” Became Sust . Bob Cringley : The next Japanese nuclear accident TEPCO to speed up removal of spent fuel rods at Fu . NSIDC Arctic Sea Ice Report , June 19, 2012 : Arcti .

  • TEPCO to speed up removal of spent fuel rods at Fukushima reactor No. 4 by 12 months

    Updated: 2012-06-23 06:15:00
    : : . Climate Change : The Next Generation Men occasionally stumble over the truth , but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened . Winston Churchill HIT THE PAGE DOWN KEY TO SEE THE POSTS Now at 6,000+ articles . Use upper left search field authors and keywords Blog Archive 2012 599 June 76 Help support Peter Sinclair's trip to videograph M . wunderground : Record breaking temps in the West Heat Waves and Climate Change . A Science Update fr . Jason Box : Greenland ice sheet reflectivity at re . Rinehart sends ultimatum to Fairfax board , demands . George Monbiot : How Sustainability” Became Sust . Bob Cringley : The next Japanese nuclear accident TEPCO to speed up removal of spent fuel rods at Fu . NSIDC Arctic Sea Ice Report , June 19, 2012 : Arcti .

  • NSIDC Arctic Sea Ice Report, June 19, 2012: Arctic Sea Ice Tracking at Record Low Levels

    Updated: 2012-06-22 08:32:00
    : : , : Climate Change : The Next Generation Men occasionally stumble over the truth , but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened . Winston Churchill HIT THE PAGE DOWN KEY TO SEE THE POSTS Now at 6,000+ articles . Use upper left search field authors and keywords Blog Archive 2012 599 June 76 Help support Peter Sinclair's trip to videograph M . wunderground : Record breaking temps in the West Heat Waves and Climate Change . A Science Update fr . Jason Box : Greenland ice sheet reflectivity at re . Rinehart sends ultimatum to Fairfax board , demands . George Monbiot : How Sustainability” Became Sust . Bob Cringley : The next Japanese nuclear accident TEPCO to speed up removal of spent fuel rods at Fu . NSIDC Arctic Sea Ice Report , June 19, 2012 : Arcti .

  • Arctic Climate Far More Vulnerable Than Thought, May Be Linked to Antarctic Ice-Sheet Behavior

    Updated: 2012-06-22 01:52:00
    : : , Climate Change : The Next Generation Men occasionally stumble over the truth , but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened . Winston Churchill HIT THE PAGE DOWN KEY TO SEE THE POSTS Now at 6,000+ articles . Use upper left search field authors and keywords Blog Archive 2012 599 June 76 Help support Peter Sinclair's trip to videograph M . wunderground : Record breaking temps in the West Heat Waves and Climate Change . A Science Update fr . Jason Box : Greenland ice sheet reflectivity at re . Rinehart sends ultimatum to Fairfax board , demands . George Monbiot : How Sustainability” Became Sust . Bob Cringley : The next Japanese nuclear accident TEPCO to speed up removal of spent fuel rods at Fu . NSIDC Arctic Sea Ice Report , June 19, 2012 : Arcti .

  • Jeff Masters: Record flooding in Duluth, Minnesota, at the St. Louis River, June 21, 2012

    Updated: 2012-06-22 01:35:00
    : : : , , . , Climate Change : The Next Generation Men occasionally stumble over the truth , but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened . Winston Churchill HIT THE PAGE DOWN KEY TO SEE THE POSTS Now at 6,000+ articles . Use upper left search field authors and keywords Blog Archive 2012 599 June 76 Help support Peter Sinclair's trip to videograph M . wunderground : Record breaking temps in the West Heat Waves and Climate Change . A Science Update fr . Jason Box : Greenland ice sheet reflectivity at re . Rinehart sends ultimatum to Fairfax board , demands . George Monbiot : How Sustainability” Became Sust . Bob Cringley : The next Japanese nuclear accident TEPCO to speed up removal of spent fuel rods at Fu . NSIDC Arctic Sea Ice Report , June 19, 2012 :

  • Nucor CEO Dan DiMicco, Heartland Stooge or Calculated Climate Denier?

    Updated: 2012-06-21 05:32:00
    : : , Climate Change : The Next Generation Men occasionally stumble over the truth , but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened . Winston Churchill HIT THE PAGE DOWN KEY TO SEE THE POSTS Now at 6,000+ articles . Use upper left search field authors and keywords Blog Archive 2012 599 June 76 Help support Peter Sinclair's trip to videograph M . wunderground : Record breaking temps in the West Heat Waves and Climate Change . A Science Update fr . Jason Box : Greenland ice sheet reflectivity at re . Rinehart sends ultimatum to Fairfax board , demands . George Monbiot : How Sustainability” Became Sust . Bob Cringley : The next Japanese nuclear accident TEPCO to speed up removal of spent fuel rods at Fu . NSIDC Arctic Sea Ice Report , June 19, 2012 : Arcti .

  • Republican Professor Barry Bickmore on the birther business

    Updated: 2012-06-20 21:38:00
    : : Climate Change : The Next Generation Men occasionally stumble over the truth , but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened . Winston Churchill HIT THE PAGE DOWN KEY TO SEE THE POSTS Now at 6,000+ articles . Use upper left search field authors and keywords Blog Archive 2012 599 June 76 Help support Peter Sinclair's trip to videograph M . wunderground : Record breaking temps in the West Heat Waves and Climate Change . A Science Update fr . Jason Box : Greenland ice sheet reflectivity at re . Rinehart sends ultimatum to Fairfax board , demands . George Monbiot : How Sustainability” Became Sust . Bob Cringley : The next Japanese nuclear accident TEPCO to speed up removal of spent fuel rods at Fu . NSIDC Arctic Sea Ice Report , June 19, 2012 : Arcti .

  • Nucor CEO Daniel DiMicco joins flat-earth society, says giving over $500,000 to the faux science lobbying organization, Heartland Institute, is "entirely appropriate" in letter to shareholder

    Updated: 2012-06-20 19:40:00
    : : , , , Climate Change : The Next Generation Men occasionally stumble over the truth , but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened . Winston Churchill HIT THE PAGE DOWN KEY TO SEE THE POSTS Now at 6,000+ articles . Use upper left search field authors and keywords Blog Archive 2012 599 June 76 Help support Peter Sinclair's trip to videograph M . wunderground : Record breaking temps in the West Heat Waves and Climate Change . A Science Update fr . Jason Box : Greenland ice sheet reflectivity at re . Rinehart sends ultimatum to Fairfax board , demands . George Monbiot : How Sustainability” Became Sust . Bob Cringley : The next Japanese nuclear accident TEPCO to speed up removal of spent fuel rods at Fu . NSIDC Arctic Sea Ice Report , June 19, 2012 : Arcti .

  • Peter Sinclair's Climate Crock: Marc Morano at the Heartland Institute conference defending his posting of scientists' email addresses even though he knows they receive vicious threats

    Updated: 2012-06-20 19:02:00
    Another great video by Peter Sinclair: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFnhTo6Wd80

  • Kevin Grandia: I Love You Huffpo but What's Going On? [another Alberta tar sands spill gets a pass and a happy face]

    Updated: 2012-06-20 03:50:00
    : : : Climate Change : The Next Generation Men occasionally stumble over the truth , but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened . Winston Churchill HIT THE PAGE DOWN KEY TO SEE THE POSTS Now at 6,000+ articles . Use upper left search field authors and keywords Blog Archive 2012 599 June 76 Help support Peter Sinclair's trip to videograph M . wunderground : Record breaking temps in the West Heat Waves and Climate Change . A Science Update fr . Jason Box : Greenland ice sheet reflectivity at re . Rinehart sends ultimatum to Fairfax board , demands . George Monbiot : How Sustainability” Became Sust . Bob Cringley : The next Japanese nuclear accident TEPCO to speed up removal of spent fuel rods at Fu . NSIDC Arctic Sea Ice Report , June 19, 2012 : Arcti .

  • GOP wants 100-mile drone zone at both borders, taking away civil liberties and removing the protections of the Clean Air Act, the Safe Drinking Water Act and many more. Are you in the #DRONEZONE?

    Updated: 2012-06-19 21:08:00
    : : , , . Climate Change : The Next Generation Men occasionally stumble over the truth , but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened . Winston Churchill HIT THE PAGE DOWN KEY TO SEE THE POSTS Now at 6,000+ articles . Use upper left search field authors and keywords Blog Archive 2012 599 June 76 Help support Peter Sinclair's trip to videograph M . wunderground : Record breaking temps in the West Heat Waves and Climate Change . A Science Update fr . Jason Box : Greenland ice sheet reflectivity at re . Rinehart sends ultimatum to Fairfax board , demands . George Monbiot : How Sustainability” Became Sust . Bob Cringley : The next Japanese nuclear accident TEPCO to speed up removal of spent fuel rods at Fu . NSIDC Arctic Sea Ice Report , June 19, 2012 : Arcti .

  • The Economist: The Vanishing North -- There are benefits in the melting of the Arctic, but the risks are much greater

    Updated: 2012-06-19 20:58:00
    : : : , Climate Change : The Next Generation Men occasionally stumble over the truth , but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened . Winston Churchill HIT THE PAGE DOWN KEY TO SEE THE POSTS Now at 6,000+ articles . Use upper left search field authors and keywords Blog Archive 2012 599 June 76 Help support Peter Sinclair's trip to videograph M . wunderground : Record breaking temps in the West Heat Waves and Climate Change . A Science Update fr . Jason Box : Greenland ice sheet reflectivity at re . Rinehart sends ultimatum to Fairfax board , demands . George Monbiot : How Sustainability” Became Sust . Bob Cringley : The next Japanese nuclear accident TEPCO to speed up removal of spent fuel rods at Fu . NSIDC Arctic Sea Ice Report , June 19, 2012 : Arcti .

  • Brendan DeMelle: Leaked Rio+20 Earth Summit Final Agreed Text - Utterly Inadequate Response to Global Crises

    Updated: 2012-06-19 19:59:00
    : : : Climate Change : The Next Generation Men occasionally stumble over the truth , but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened . Winston Churchill HIT THE PAGE DOWN KEY TO SEE THE POSTS Now at 6,000+ articles . Use upper left search field authors and keywords Blog Archive 2012 599 June 76 Help support Peter Sinclair's trip to videograph M . wunderground : Record breaking temps in the West Heat Waves and Climate Change . A Science Update fr . Jason Box : Greenland ice sheet reflectivity at re . Rinehart sends ultimatum to Fairfax board , demands . George Monbiot : How Sustainability” Became Sust . Bob Cringley : The next Japanese nuclear accident TEPCO to speed up removal of spent fuel rods at Fu . NSIDC Arctic Sea Ice Report , June 19, 2012 : Arcti .

  • WWF: "Rio+20 Negotiating Text is Colossal Failure of Leadership and Vision" statement by WWF Director General Jim Leape

    Updated: 2012-06-19 19:56:00
    : : : Climate Change : The Next Generation Men occasionally stumble over the truth , but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened . Winston Churchill HIT THE PAGE DOWN KEY TO SEE THE POSTS Now at 6,000+ articles . Use upper left search field authors and keywords Blog Archive 2012 599 June 76 Help support Peter Sinclair's trip to videograph M . wunderground : Record breaking temps in the West Heat Waves and Climate Change . A Science Update fr . Jason Box : Greenland ice sheet reflectivity at re . Rinehart sends ultimatum to Fairfax board , demands . George Monbiot : How Sustainability” Became Sust . Bob Cringley : The next Japanese nuclear accident TEPCO to speed up removal of spent fuel rods at Fu . NSIDC Arctic Sea Ice Report , June 19, 2012 : Arcti .

  • Greenpeace reaction statement to late close of Earth Summit, by Kumi Naidoo, Greenpeace International Executive Director

    Updated: 2012-06-19 19:51:00
    : : , , Climate Change : The Next Generation Men occasionally stumble over the truth , but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened . Winston Churchill HIT THE PAGE DOWN KEY TO SEE THE POSTS Now at 6,000+ articles . Use upper left search field authors and keywords Blog Archive 2012 599 June 76 Help support Peter Sinclair's trip to videograph M . wunderground : Record breaking temps in the West Heat Waves and Climate Change . A Science Update fr . Jason Box : Greenland ice sheet reflectivity at re . Rinehart sends ultimatum to Fairfax board , demands . George Monbiot : How Sustainability” Became Sust . Bob Cringley : The next Japanese nuclear accident TEPCO to speed up removal of spent fuel rods at Fu . NSIDC Arctic Sea Ice Report , June 19, 2012 : Arcti .

  • Hundreds of melt ponds already forming on the edge of the Greenland Ice Sheet, some of which have already drained. Good view of Jakobshavn Isbrae, June 19, 2012

    Updated: 2012-06-19 19:09:00
    OK, we used to see this in August. Fifteen years ago, it was pretty rare.   am providing the link because in this way you will have a better view:http://rapidfire.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/imagery/single.cgi?image=crefl1_143.A2012171151500-2012171152000.250m.jpg

  • Getting to the Root of the Climate Change Debate

    Updated: 2012-06-15 21:04:28
    The following is taken from an interesting article about the debate over climate change (a link to the whole article is provided): It is very difficult to understand the climate change denial platform on a purely philosophical and scientific level. Climate change is a rather obvious aspect of the history of the Earth and clearly man interacts with climate in an increasingly dynamic manner. That this is even debated appears on the surface to be not a little ridiculous-somewhere on the level of discussing whether the Earth is round or flat.read more

  • Methane game upgrade

    Updated: 2012-06-14 20:37:20
    Walter Anthony et al (2012) have made a major contribution to the picture of methane emissions from thawing Arctic regions. Not a game-changer exactly, but definitely a graphics upgrade, bringing the game to life in stunningly higher resolution (/joke). Katey Walter Anthony draws upon her previous field findings that methane emissions from the Arctic landscape [...]

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